Mad Timê!
IMPORTANT NOTE: Click on the itty-bitty pictures to truly grasp the glory that is this tower and its makers.
Timê (TEE-may) – honor, reputation. Timê can be achieved by immortal or noble ascendants, good looks, and excellent deeds.
Yes, yes, within my first month at Reed I, the lowly freshman, achieved MAD TIMÊ! Check out our trecherous tower of no less than FIVE tables, a kommie mini-exercise bike, and a random trash can. We risked life and limb for this endeavor, but recieved our reward thousand-fold.
Observe: The fine makers of this monument:

From left to right: Nameless Happy-boy, Yours truly (note the sparkle in my eye gained only by the posession of Mad Timê), Peter the Dirty Raver/Circus Freak/Bad Influence, Kevin the 4th-Dimension Obsessed Gangsta Computer God, Nameless Cute Scrounger with the Pink Barbie Backpack, and Dormie Peter the Gay Pirate.
Then, as a sign from the gods that they approved of our offering and bestowed upon us (what else?) Mad Timê, a rainbow appeared overhead! It was actually a double rainbow, but you'll have to take my word on that one.

Oh majestic Tower of Timê, how you seem to glow against the ever-darkening Portland sky...

Oh majestic Time!!
I guess we all know who was the lightweight putting the finishing touches on top of the tower!
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