Diagnosis: Quixotic

My high school English teacher, Mrs. Martin, read this essay and wrote, "I like this - but I honestly don't know how an admissions officer would respond. Maybe if you apply to a liberal arts school, you'll be okay."
I did apply to a (very) liberal arts school, and not only was I okay, but Admissions liked it so much they chose to publish it in the Reed Magazine alongside several other freshman application essays. Check it out at: http://web.reed.edu/reed_magazine/autumn2006/features/my_essay/mayer.html
I think I'll send the link to Mrs. Martin.
Mrs. Martin here: so glad you found your nick at Reed. You should be very proud of yerself.
When I went to the link I started exploring the site a little and found the main page for the Essay story. Seeing the professional photograph of you and the other students gave me a very odd sensation. You looked like a far away celebrity, someone you see once and never give thought to again, but I couldnt help thinking about the countless times I have seen you in that shirt. I remember the first time I ever saw that shirt on you and trying to examine it without you thinking I was looking at your boobs.
Then I realized that your just Anna to me, the Anna who spilled more chocolate soymilk and straberry shakes on her mattress then anyone should know, and the same Anna who gringes at the thought of throwing even trash away. But anyone who hasn't had the pleasure of spending an extreme amount of time with you probably watches you in awe. Awe of the wisdom that come out of your mouth, and the Freudian-slips, and a more rare occasion, when you make a straight up joke. (theres a dark spot on My-anus? WHERE?!?!) Its my assumption that whether you've got it or not people at Reed know and admire you. I hope your still having fun there and good luck on your exams.
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